Here are golf's most common trouble spots and what you can do to fix them and improve your score.

Correct Poor Putting

Stand comfortably, with your feet closer than shoulder width apart. Grip the club lightly. Stand with your eyes directly over the ball. Your eyes should be parallel to the direction of the putt. Control the putter with your dominant hand. Maintain the same speed on your backstroke as on your forward stroke.

Correct Slicing and Hooking the Ball

Understand the swing plane. The goal is to hold the club so that the shaft is parallel to the target line when you're at the top of your swing. If the club points to the left at the top of your swing, the result is a slice. If the club points to the right, the result is a hook.

Correct Poor Chip Shots

Use a narrower stance than you do with short irons. Point both feet slightly toward the target. Position your hands so that they are slightly ahead of the ball at the start of your swing. Swing through the ball and resist the urge to decelerate the club before impact.

Correct Poor Driving

Be sure to keep your grip very relaxed and think "smooth"...long and slow with a complete extension. Start with sixty percent of your weight on the right foot. Keep your body very relaxed and a soft grip.

During the swing, be thinking only of follow-through with a finish right down the target line. Pretend you might be throwing a large ball down the fairway underhanded with your dominant arm. Use the same tempo of swing as you would with a seven iron. Make it feel like you are tossing the driver perfectly straight down the fairway. And be sure your left hip never actually passes your left foot while swinging down.  
Nicolas Leonie
8/4/2012 08:23:32 am

This is definitely "go" product for me


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